By GottaLaff
"Sit in the back seat and bitching"? Not running for office?
What does he think Howard Dean has done? He's about as netrootsy as you can get!
And Firedoglake sits back and complains without getting out there and doing something? Tell that to my inbox and Tee Vee Machine. And Act Blue? And Kos? And so many more? Really?
Troublemakers, right. Chris is drawing attention to his projectile salivator crankypantsitude, and it's very unbecoming.
Yesterday, Matthews tried to smack Howard Dean around, and now this. He needs to remove whatever has recently crawled up his punditiocracy.
Update via Think Progress:
A Senate staffer tells ThinkProgress that the reason Franken cut off Lieberman is because Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid’s (D-NV) office has been asking all presiding chairs to enforce the 10-minute rule for both sides. Franken was simply following the direction of leadership.